i basically agree with Fred's tables/relationships analysis, and have
comments on form design. see below.
Fred said:
Your main foundation is understanding your data items and the relationship
between them and then your tables and the relationships between them / their
record. . Your only partially describing these makes me guess that you are
not giving that part of the job sufficient importance and work.
Here's a mixture of confiriming my guesses, things that your structure
implies / hints at, plus making suggestions.
-A "Work" item is for one and only one customer
-A "Work" item is done by one and only one employee
-Your intent is to record occurences of inspections and occurences of
treatments. -You are not trying to create any standardized "Picklist"of
inspections or treatments. You intend to just free-form describe the
treatment (If this is wrong, and youARE trying to do this, then you
would, for example, need 2 "inspection" tables, one is occurences of
inspecitons, the other the Picklist" of standardized inspections.)
A "Work" item may include many instances of inspections. But that occurence
of an inspection relates only to that work item
A "Work" item may include many occurences of treatments. But that occurence
of a treatrment relates only to that "Work" item.
IF all of the above is true, then, to the extent that you described it, what
you listed is OK. But here's what you forgot to do or say:
IMPORTANT!: The namesake ID of each table is set to be it's Primary Key.
E.G. "WorkID" is set as the PK of the "Work" table etc.
Do "Show only when they are equal" joins from Work table to Customers table
and Work table to Employee Table.
if Fred is referring here to the Join Type in the Edit Relationships dialog
of the Relationships window....well, frankly, i never bother with that. it
isn't necessary at the table level, and when i write queries i set the joins
as needed at the time.
Do a "Show all Work items......" join from work table to inspections table.
Do a "Show all Work items......" join from work table to treatments table.
ditto above.
Create datasheet style forms (which will be used as subforms) for
inspections and treatments.
datasheet style not a problem here, but not a requirement, either.
I'm good at organizing these things and data structures, but other people
who read these know Access 10 times better than me and I welcome them to
comment on or add to my Access stuff.
Create a query which shows all , customer and employee fields. Use it as a
record source for a "Work" form which show all desired fields from those 3
this isn't necessary, and is often counterproductive, but it's a common
mistake made by inexperienced Access developers. for a *data entry* form,
it's rarely necessary to use more than one table in the RecordSource, and on
those occasions it's usually two tables with a one-to-one relationship.
first, before forms, make sure the table relationships are set up in the
Relationships window, with the links going *from* the parent table *to* the
child table. for example: from tblCustomers to tblWork. from tblWork to
tblInspections. and be sure to checkmark the Enforce Referential Integrity
option in the Edit Relationships dialog of each link. now you're ready to
move on to forms.
from your post, your process flow seems to be to start with a new customer,
or with an existing customer record, and then add a work record and its'
related inspections and treatments. suggest the following setup - and, btw,
don't bother trying to do this using a form wizard. just set it up yourself.
create a form bound to tblCustomers, and call it frmCustomers. in Design
view, open the Properties box (click View | Properties on the menu bar), and
set the FormView property to SingleForm.
create a form bound to tblWork, and call it frmWork. in Design view, include
a combobox control bound to the EmpID foreign key field, with its' RowSource
set to tblEmployees. set the FormView property to SingleForm.
create a form bound to tblInspections. you can set the FormView to
SingleForm, ContinuousForms, or Datasheet, depending on what will best suit
your data entry needs.
create a form bound to tblTreatments. ditto above re the FormView setting.
in Design view of frmWork, add a subform control (you can add it from the
Toolbox toolbar, which in turn you'll find by clicking View on the menu
bar). open the Properties box (View menu again) and set the subform
control's Name property as ChildInspections.
set the SourceObject property as frmInspections.
set the LinkChildFields property as WorkID (this refers to the foreign key
field in tblInspections, which is the table used as the RecordSource of
set the LinkMasterFields as WorkID (this refers to the primary key field in
tblWork, which is the table used as the RecordSource in frmWork).
now you have an Inspections subform in frmWork, and linked to frmWork. easy
as pie!
Still in Design view of frmWork, add another subform control and name it
ChildTreatments. set the SourceObject as frmTreatments, and set the
LinkChildFields and LinkMasterFields to the corresponding foreign key and
primary key fieldnames, as described above. then save and close frmWork.
open frmCustomers in Design view and add a subform control, naming it
ChildWork. set its' SourceObject to frmWork, its' LinkChildFields to
CustomerID (the foreign key field in tblWork), and its' LinkMasterFields to
CustomerID (the primary key field in tblCustomers). save and close the form.
now when you open frmCustomers, you can add a new customer record or go to
an existing customer record, then add a new work record or go to an existing
one, then add or edit inspection records and/or treatment records for that
work record for that customer.
if you find that using nested subforms results in a large and busy, crowded
form for data entry, then you might consider opening a form to add/edit
customer records only. then open a separate form (not a subform) to add/edit
work records and their related inspection and treatment records; in the work
form, you can use a combobox control bound to foreign key field CustomerID,
with RowSource as tblCustomers, to choose the customer for each new work
and if you really want to get creative, you can add a tab control to the
work form, and put the inspection subform on one tab and the treatment
subform on another tab. that saves space and makes the form look simpler and
cleaner. you can do this whether the work form is opened separately, or is a
subform on the customer form.
the only thing that raises a question for me here, is a possible
relationship between inspections and treatments. does your company sometimes
do treatments after an inspection, but also sometimes do treatments without
a preceding inspection? if yes, then the current setup probably makes sense.
but if a treatment is *always* preceded by an inspection, i wonder if
tblTreatments should be a child table as the "many" side of a one-to-many
relationship with tblInspections. if the latter is the case, then the forms
design above would have to be revamped to handle that tables relationship.