Inspector can't save the item



I am able to catch the itemsAdd. itemsChange event. I try to add some customized
properties in that item using the IMessage by calling item.get_MAPIObject((IUnknown
**)&spIMessage) .

After made the changes within the itemsAdd/itemsChange event, I use IMessage->SaveChanges(0),
and IMessage->Release() (if IMessage is not CComPtr, I call release).

- When I use the outlookspy to check my properties from the outlook main
window, it exists.
- When open that item window, the inspector, and check the imessage properties,
they all exist.
- When I made some changes on the item, eg. add comments, and click save
button, a popup window prompt that:
"Your changes could not be saved because you don't have permission to modify
some or all of the items in this folder. Do you want to save a copy of this
item in the default folder for the item?" YES/NO

How can I solve this? because from OOM, no API let me add the customized
properties (customized named properties), therefore, I call get_MAPIObject
and use MAPI call instead.


Dmitry Streblechenko

Do not call IMessage::SaveChanges; let OOM handle that (MailItem.Save) - you
just need to trick Outlook into thinking that it' been modified - something
like the following will do:

MailItem.Subject = MailItem.Subject

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

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