Mike Hildner
I posted this in the general .net group a couple days ago and didn't get a
I'd like to add a toolbar (CommandBar) to the form that pops up when you
create a new mail message in Outlook. This works unless the email editor is
Word and Word is open at the time. In that case, the CommandBar gets added
to Word, not Outlook's form.
Searched around and it appears this is "by design" but of course the client
won't buy that. Any suggestions or work arounds?
Here's the code if it makes a difference
// Create a new CommandBar object.
_cb = Inspector.CommandBars.Add("Blah Blah",
Office.MsoBarPosition.msoBarTop, false, true);
//Create a CommandBarButton object.
_cbb =
System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing,
_cbb.Caption = "Elvis Lives!";
_cbb.Style = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoButtonStyle.msoButtonCaption;
//Make the new command bar visible.
_cb.Visible = true;
I posted this in the general .net group a couple days ago and didn't get a
I'd like to add a toolbar (CommandBar) to the form that pops up when you
create a new mail message in Outlook. This works unless the email editor is
Word and Word is open at the time. In that case, the CommandBar gets added
to Word, not Outlook's form.
Searched around and it appears this is "by design" but of course the client
won't buy that. Any suggestions or work arounds?
Here's the code if it makes a difference
// Create a new CommandBar object.
_cb = Inspector.CommandBars.Add("Blah Blah",
Office.MsoBarPosition.msoBarTop, false, true);
//Create a CommandBarButton object.
_cbb =
System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing,
_cbb.Caption = "Elvis Lives!";
_cbb.Style = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoButtonStyle.msoButtonCaption;
//Make the new command bar visible.
_cb.Visible = true;