Install Office 2000 with Office 2003 trial version



We purchased a new HP computer about 6 months ago with WINXP on it. It also
came with the Office 2003 trial software. On our old computer we had been
using Office 2000 Pro Ed. and wanted to transfer it to the new HP. We had
lost the product key code but was able to get another one from Microsoft by
providing the proof of purchase of the Office 2000 software. But everytime
we try to install the Office 2000 software on the new system with the product
key code code provided by Microsoft we get the "invalid key code .." error
message. Microsoft claims the key code is good and we must have a hardware
technical problem.

I am thinking that having the Office 2003 Trial software (although expired)
on the new system may have something to do with the problem. Is that
possible? We had been reluctant to uninstall it becuase if the Office 2000
software can't be installed we might have to purchase the 2003 version (which
isn't in our budget)

Any ideas on how to resolve this?




You *have* to uninstall the trial version first.
In any case purchasing a retail version from an online retailer, eg will be cheaper than converting your trial by purchasing a key
from MS.



We uninstalled the Trial version of Office 2003 that came on the computer.
Didn't help, same error message.




I dont believe there is any hw problem that could cause an invalid key code
I'm unsure as to whether the previous 2003 trial version would have left a
registry entry which is causing the problem.
I'm assuming you are reading the key correctly, eg O / 0 8 / B which can
look similar

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