Install on a Netbook



I recently purchased a Netbook and want to know if I can install Office (have
XP, 2003 and 2007) on the netbook without purchasing an external DVD drive.
The only program I want to put on the Netbook is Word.


Should'nt you have found that out prior to purchase?
Via network
By copying the office cd to a usb stick
All assuming the licence you have for Office allows it to be installed on
two devices


DL said:
Should'nt you have found that out prior to purchase?
Via network
By copying the office cd to a usb stick
All assuming the licence you have for Office allows it to be installed on
two devices

The licence also states:
Separation of Components. The components of the software are licensed as a
single unit. You may not separate the components and install them on
different devices.

Bob I

Provided you aren't installing additional copies on other PCs over that
allowed by the EULA. You may elect to install only one application of
the suite but it still counts as one installation as far as the Office
license is concerned. You may borrow an external drive, or install
across a network or copy to a suitable USB drive and install from that.


I recently purchased a Netbook and want to know if I can install Office
XP, 2003 and 2007) on the netbook without purchasing an external DVD
The only program I want to put on the Netbook is Word.

As I always post in reply to this query:
a) presumably your Vendor gave you a Recovery CD/DVD. How are you going to
use that without an external DVD drive? They are very cheap.
b) Copy the CD/DVD to a thumb drive and install from there if your EULA
c) You cannot "just install Word" - the Retail licence specifically forbids
separating components....


c) You cannot "just install Word" - the Retail licence specifically
forbids separating components....

I misposted - you may install one component but that means you can't install
the others on a different machine...


I know, so why tell me

Gordon said:
The licence also states:
Separation of Components. The components of the software are licensed as
a single unit. You may not separate the components and install them on
different devices.

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