Install OneNote 2007 Beta


Peter Mairhofer


I've downloaded OneNote 2007 Beta and I do hope that all the features that
are not included in ON03 are done in ON07 (e.g. printing grid).

Should I deinstall OneNote 2003 before? Or does the setup wizard update the
installed OneNote to 2007?
Or shall I install ON07 in parallel to ON2003?

Are all ON03 files fullly compatible to ON07, so that I can instantly use
ON07 as ON03 before?


Patrick Schmid

Hi Peter,
I've downloaded OneNote 2007 Beta and I do hope that all the features that
are not included in ON03 are done in ON07 (e.g. printing grid).
Printing didn't see many improvements in 2007, so be prepared for a
Should I deinstall OneNote 2003 before? Or does the setup wizard update the
installed OneNote to 2007?
By default, the ON setup wizard removed 2003 and installs 2007.
Or shall I install ON07 in parallel to ON2003?
Up to you. You'd have to go the custom route in the setup wizard.
Are all ON03 files fullly compatible to ON07, so that I can instantly use
ON07 as ON03 before?
Yes. ON 2007 converts all your ON 2003 files without a problem. However,
once converted, you never can go back. There is no way to open a 2007
file in 2003. That means, any notes you create in 2007 will be stuck in
2007. If you decide to not buy 2007, you will be left with a lot of
notes stuck in a program you can't get anything out anymore once the
beta version has expired on February 1, 2007.

If you choose to install 2007, please make sure to back up all your
notes ON 2003 files manually beforehand. In addition, keep in mind that
2007 is a beta version which means that you'll have to deal with
crashes, minor and major annoyances and things just not working. It
still has quite a few bugs and you should only work with it, if you are
willing to deal with that.

Patrick Schmid

Peter Mairhofer

Patrick Schmid said:
Hi Peter,

Printing didn't see many improvements in 2007, so be prepared for a

Yeah, I'm very disappointed. This was a *very* often requested feature and
I always read in the newsgroups that this feature will be added to OneNote

I was looking forward to it but it is not implemented :-( Yes, I'm

Two great features I've seen: I can now save my OneNote files to a network
drive and they will automatically be available in offline mode and
synchronised when I'm online again? I've not yet tried it but it sounds

Another thing I've seen is OneNote mobile. Finally there is also a small
application for the PocketPC?


Rainald Taesler

Peter Mairhofer shared these words of wisdom:

Hallo Peter,
Two great features I've seen: I can now save my OneNote files to
a network drive and they will automatically be available in
offline mode and synchronised when I'm online again? I've not
yet tried it but it sounds good.

It does not only sound good ;-)
It works great. The way ON does things in so far is what's really
needed if one works with computers to-go-out.
One of the best new things I've seen in the software world for many
long years.

It works a bit different:
1.) One does not *save* the notebooks on a network device, one
*stores* them there (and only there). Notebook files are no longer
kept on a laptop, they are sitting just in *one* place.

2.) On the laptop one opens the file from the network device.
ON locally caches all of the notebooks opened.

3.) As long as the computers are connected, ON automatically synchs
all changes automatically.

4.) If the laptop is disconnected, the notebooks stay open (even if ON
is closed or the computer is shut down) unless they are explicitly
Any work is done with the local cache.
When the notebook is reconnected all changes made on any side are
synched automatically.

A really fantastic feature. Isn't it?
Another thing I've seen is OneNote mobile. Finally there is also
a small application for the PocketPC?

Designed for Smartphones, actually.
But it works on PDAs too as long as they are running under WM 5.

A long list of further improvement:
Just to name a main one: No longer only just *one* notebook but an
unlimited number. And a great way (most intuitive) to navigate through
(a) notebooks, (b) section groups, (c) sections (with pages and

This does not only mean a change in the hierarchy, it allows for far
better overall organizing and sorting things.

Have fun

Patrick Schmid

The OneNote team had to make a call whether to improve printing or
provide things like tables, drawing tools, etc. To their surprise,
customer research actually determined that a lot of people where content
with the printing abilities in 2003 and preferred other features. So
that's the way they went.

Patrick Schmid

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