I too had such a problem. Do a file search for files starting with
"Microsoft Office OneNote 2003". Should be a .txt file containing the log of
the installation. The last few lines of my log looked like this:
Reading from "C:\DOCUME~1\SEANF~1.CUR\LOCALS~1\Temp\IXP001.TMP\SETUP.INI":
"Cache\LocalCacheDrive" (Default: )
Error 0x80070057
failed to determine if drive was removable: F
Error 0x80070057
Couldn't determine what drive to cache on.
Error 0x80070057
Failed to determine local cache information from Office Source Engine.
LocalCache has failed. EnforceCache has been set. Exiting...
Shutting down chained setup processing.
The F: drive was a properly installed external harddrive. I turned it off,
re-ran the install and all worked fine, then turned the F: drive back on.
That may or may not be your problem, but the log should give you some
indication of the problem.
***** Setup exits
9/20/2004 11:45:04 AM
(return = 0)