Installation failure



When I try to install the 2 month trial, I get a message that says
"Installation failed" - no other info. Any suggestions? I'm sure I have the
right system requirements.


I am also having installation problems with onenote I get fatal error and the
installation process stops. I down loaded several times and same problems

Thank you

Chris H.

Is your anti-virus program running in the background? Are you running any
third-party firewall on your system? If either of those exist, I would make
sure you're totally free of those before attempting the installation.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -



Thanks for your note. There was no anti virus programs running the only
firewall was the XP SP 2 firewall. I will turn it off now and re-try and let
you know.

Thank you
Ted Cooper

Chris H.

You don't need to turn off your SP2 firewall. Please do not do that,
because it exposes your machine to the Internet. What else might you have
running which would interfere?
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -



Nothing else running that i think might interfer it is a pretty vanilla
system i just built it. some of the products running are(activesync, ati's
hydravision, outlook 2003, the boot device is"i" and is raided raid 0, all
latest patch sets for xp sp2 and office 2003 are on). and I still get fatal
error message and exits. Are there any traces or anything that I can turn on
to see what might be causing the error.

Ted Cooper
(e-mail address removed)

Chris H.

Ted, try disabling Hydravision. Honest. :cool: And close the open programs.
Then do the install. Hydravision does some weird things if active during an
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Milena in Poland

hello, folk,
Nothing for me but to join the chorus.
Tried everything, from remotely reasonable (turning off firewall/antivirus),
to magical that according to the thread might eventually help.
To no avail.
Many greetings and have a nice day - if it is any comfort, there is one more
person who can't try famous (famed?) OneNote.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

hello, folk,
Nothing for me but to join the chorus.
Tried everything, from remotely reasonable (turning off
to magical that according to the thread might eventually help.
To no avail.
Many greetings and have a nice day - if it is any comfort, there is one
person who can't try famous (famed?) OneNote.

Did you clear out your downloaded files cache and then try to download it

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

Milena in Poland

Thank you, Ben. I appreciate your effort to help.
Indeed, I have cleared cache, though the remedy belongs to the category
labeled "magical" (I suspect I could as well give for a mass, or light a
candle a midnight for it eventually might help).
Of course I run this Windows NT in disguise, i.e. XP. To my feel Windows NT
can't quite work for home users, just like Windows Me rarely could for an
office environment.
You'll have to excuse me, but I am thinking of going Linux altogether. Can't
be much worse eXPerience, can it? True, in that case I will have to kiss
OneNote and the rest farewell... Spells hassle... Sorry, I am frustrated
Yours truly

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