Installation - fatal error



When attempting to install OneNote, the process starts and runs for awhile
but then stops.

"Fatal error during installation"

Is there a way to overcome this problem?


Chris H.

A bit difficult to do without details, like what type of computer you're
running, what programs you have running and which version (and source) of
OneNote you're attempting to install.

If you're running anything Norton (Symantec), make sure the program is
entirely shut down (not just "exit" from the Systray icon) and then try the
installation again. Otherwise, please post back with additional
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Jürgen Abeln

A bit difficult to do without details, like what type of computer you're
running, what programs you have running and which version (and source) of
OneNote you're attempting to install.

Seems to be the same error like I had some days ago (Nov. 8th, this
NG) but theres no answer yet from MS or anyone else.

I need a programm like OneNote, but I cannot install it. Does anone
know an alternative?


That says the log:
Reading from "C:\DOKUME~1\Abeln\LOKALE~1\Temp\IXP000.TMP\SETUP.INI":
"Cache\LocalCacheDrive" (Default: )
Couldn't find a local cache drive.
Already cached file: DW20.ADM_1031
Already cached file: DW20.EXE_0001
Already cached file: SKU1A1.XML_0002_1031
Completed download for file: DW20.ADM_1031.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: DW20.ADM_1031
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: DW20.EXE_0001.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: DW20.EXE_0001
Download retry succeeded
Finished CDCache Download, retrieving msi download info
08.11.2004 18:23:45
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get resource info.
LocalCache has failed. EnforceCache has been set. Exiting...
Shutting down chained setup processing.

***** Setup exits
08.11.2004 18:23:48
(return = 0)


My problem is the same as Juergen's.

The log is almost exactly word for word.

I'm running a P4 3.2 w/ 1 gig of memory. I have shut down all running
programs before attempting to install OneNote but still get the same error.

Multiple downloads; multiple installs. Same problem.

Jürgen Abeln said:
A bit difficult to do without details, like what type of computer you're
running, what programs you have running and which version (and source) of
OneNote you're attempting to install.

Seems to be the same error like I had some days ago (Nov. 8th, this
NG) but theres no answer yet from MS or anyone else.

I need a programm like OneNote, but I cannot install it. Does anone
know an alternative?


That says the log:
Reading from "C:\DOKUME~1\Abeln\LOKALE~1\Temp\IXP000.TMP\SETUP.INI":
"Cache\LocalCacheDrive" (Default: )
Couldn't find a local cache drive.
Already cached file: DW20.ADM_1031
Already cached file: DW20.EXE_0001
Already cached file: SKU1A1.XML_0002_1031
Completed download for file: DW20.ADM_1031.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: DW20.ADM_1031
Download retry succeeded
Completed download for file: DW20.EXE_0001.
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get download cache path.
Retrying error for resource: DW20.EXE_0001
Download retry succeeded
Finished CDCache Download, retrieving msi download info
08.11.2004 18:23:45
Error 0x8007000f
Failed to get resource info.
LocalCache has failed. EnforceCache has been set. Exiting...
Shutting down chained setup processing.

***** Setup exits
08.11.2004 18:23:48
(return = 0)

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