Installing Excel 2007 and later adding Word 2007



Hi- I need to install Excel 2007 to out accounting user and a couple of
months later I need to rollout the entire Office 2007 or for testing just
Word 2007.

I created an MSP file for Excel using the OCW and I created and config.xml
file to turn on verbose logging and to rename the log file and location of
the log file.

All is working ok with these exceptions:
1) I can't reinstall office using the setup /adminfile option as I get the
setup error "command-line option can be used only during the initial
installation of the product"

2) I created a new MSP to install just Word2007 and when I try to apply
that msp I get the same error as option #1.

My question is how can I reisntall the Office 2007 using my MSP and custom
xml incase I need to.

How can I add Word 2007 after I already deploy Excel 2007 using the
adminfile setup.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Jim,

Are you using

Setup.exe /Admin (to create a .MSP)
Setup.exe /Modify <Product ID name here> (to change deployed office)
working with a modified config.xml file to apply an added feature?

Setup.exe /AdminFile won't work to update an existing product but,
you can use Setup.exe /Admin to create a supplemental .MSP file where the only thing you set would be, in your Example, Word 2007,
set to 'run from my computer' installation state and save the new MSP named, for example AddWd2007Only.MSP

Then once you've saved the supplemental .MSP you may want to try either double clicking it or using a MS Installer command line
such as:

MSIexec.exe /p [fullpath to the .MSPfile\NameofMSP.MSP]

and to the command line add quiet mode switches such as

after testing.

Hi- I need to install Excel 2007 to out accounting user and a couple of
months later I need to rollout the entire Office 2007 or for testing just
Word 2007.

I created an MSP file for Excel using the OCW and I created and config.xml file to turn on verbose logging and to rename the log
file and location of the log file.

All is working ok with these exceptions:
1) I can't reinstall office using the setup /adminfile option as I get the
setup error "command-line option can be used only during the initial
installation of the product"

2) I created a new MSP to install just Word2007 and when I try to apply
that msp I get the same error as option #1.

My question is how can I reisntall the Office 2007 using my MSP and custom
xml incase I need to.

How can I add Word 2007 after I already deploy Excel 2007 using the
adminfile setup.

Thanks for any help you can provide. >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


Hi Bob.
Thanks for the information my problem seem to be that in my config.xml file
I only had <Configuration Product="Excel" listed as the configuration product
as a result only the Excel binaiers where copied to the local MSOCache.
Once I changed it to <Configuration Product="Enterprise"> and ran the
msiexec /p *.msp it worked.

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