Installing Frontpage - another product key problem



I installed Office XP Professional on my system (w/XP
home), then realized Frontpage didn't load with it. I
installed Frontpage separately, but upon first launch, it
prompted me for the product key. It didn't accept the
office code I put earlier when installing office("invalid
code") I reinstalled Office using the other install
application which loaded everything including Frontpage.
I got the same message upon the first launch. What
should I do? Remove each of the Office components and re-
install? Can I get around the unique Frontpage install
prompts? - the other office products don't do this. They
just start right up.


Thank you for responding. In the meantime I did
uninstall office and reinstall. Same problem. By the
way, I'm installing from one my wife's workplace XP
package cds (yes, it's legal!). anyway, there were
multiple install applications, one for each individual
office app., and one for office(no Frontpage), and one
for office(with frontpage). I tried both. All
applications work fine except frontpage. I dunno.

Thomas A. Rowe

Have trying install FP first, with no other Office apps installed?


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Stefan B Rusynko

Have her contact her work place for the correct CD key

If you have an Office XP w/ FrontPage CD from them it will have a separate key
(different from the Office XP (w/o FP) key)

| Thank you for responding. In the meantime I did
| uninstall office and reinstall. Same problem. By the
| way, I'm installing from one my wife's workplace XP
| package cds (yes, it's legal!). anyway, there were
| multiple install applications, one for each individual
| office app., and one for office(no Frontpage), and one
| for office(with frontpage). I tried both. All
| applications work fine except frontpage. I dunno.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Office XP doesn't come with FP, so only the applications
| that are included
| >with you version of Office XP would be activated by it's
| CD key.
| >
| >You would have to install Office XP with it's CD key and
| activate, and then
| >install FP with it's CD key and activate.
| >
| >I would uninstall everything and start over.
| >
| >--
| >
| >==============================================
| >Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| >WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
| >
| >FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
| >MS KB Quick Links, etc.
| >==============================================
| >To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage
| support see:
| >
| >
| >| >> I installed Office XP Professional on my system (w/XP
| >> home), then realized Frontpage didn't load with it. I
| >> installed Frontpage separately, but upon first launch,
| it
| >> prompted me for the product key. It didn't accept the
| >> office code I put earlier when installing office
| ("invalid
| >> code") I reinstalled Office using the other install
| >> application which loaded everything including
| Frontpage.
| >> I got the same message upon the first launch. What
| >> should I do? Remove each of the Office components and
| re-
| >> install? Can I get around the unique Frontpage install
| >> prompts? - the other office products don't do this.
| They
| >> just start right up.
| >> Thanks!
| >
| >
| >.
| >

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