installing new license over old one



My wife and I both have Ibooks. The newest version of Office 2004
doesn't let us use it at the same time (we're on an Airport network). So,
I purchased the Student/Teacher version of Office 2004 to install on my
wife's computer since she's a teacher.

When I install the S/T version, it runs through the installation, but
never changes the license - never asks for the new installation key
code. So, it doesn't solve the problem even though we now have two
legitimate versions.

Do I have to remove all of the Office 2004 program and system files
from her computer or is there a way to force the installation to replace
the old license number with the new one? By the way, the same thing
happens when I try to install the S/T version on my computer.


Apparently it doesnt work.
I have follow the instructions from the link that you gave to me.

Any idea of how to get rid of the license key. As a user in the
company install a duplicate version. I have tried installing a legit
license on top of that dup version and it doesnt prompt me for the new
licensing key.

Any idea of how to get rid of the old license key.

JE McGimpsey

Apparently it doesnt work.
I have follow the instructions from the link that you gave to me.

It works for me, both apparently and actually. Did you follow this step:

Important: Empty the Trash. OS X can maintain the links even when the
files are in the Trash.


If it still doesn't work, try repairing permissions and possibly logging
out and back in after you empty the trash.

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