installing office:mac on a network



I'm running a small network and upgraded all the users to OS.X and
office v.X (from OS.9 and office 98). However, in only on of the
computers on the network I get an error message saying that I exceeded
the number of licences although I used different license keys.
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 331935 (exactly my problem)
recommends installing an update but the problem was not resolved even
after the update installation.
Can anyone please help, any idea will be highly appreciated. I spent
too many hours trying to resolve the issue with no success. Thanks.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Hi David,
The link you provided for the Office X update is 404. Our office is
having the same problem - we bought multiple copies of the upgrade,
but when installing are not prompted for the serial number. The
applications install, then terminate because one copy somewhere on the
network is already installed - the opportunity to punch in the valid
serial numbers never appears!

Yeah, MacTopia has just been updated :))
The new link for the 10.1.2 update is:

and if you also need 10.1.3, you'll find it here:


PS: watch out for the carriage returns in the post, you can get all
updates through:

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