InStrRev issue


John Keith

Can anyone tell me why the results of these are the same?

rsData.Fields("DataText") contains "Transaction Void #178"
x = InStrRev(rsData.Fields("DataText"), "#")
y = InStr(1, rsData.Fields("DataText"), "#")

x and y both end up 18... I had expected that x would be 4. I also tried
assigning the recordset value to a string "S" just to make sure ADO wasn't
doing something strange to the string functions, still had the same results.

I had to use the StrReverse() function in my Right$ function to get the
"#178" extracted properly.

Right$(rsData.Fields("DataText"), _
InStr(1, StrReverse(rsData.Fields("DataText")), "#")) 'returns "#178"

Chip Pearson

Both InStr and InStrRev return the position of the found character counting
left to right. Since you have only a single occurrence of the '#' character,
both InStr and InStrRev return the same value.

InStrRev does not return the position counting right to left. Both InStr and
InStrRev results are counting from the left.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email address is on the web site)

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