I am trying to find out how to integrate stored procedure with an Access
report. For test purpose, I am trying the following procedure out of pubs
create procedure sp_gettitles
@type char(12)
select * from titles
where type = @type
Now if I run the above stored procedure using the following paramters (in
query analyzer)
exec 'busniess'
I will obtain a recordset in query analyzer. Now I need to find a way that I
can use a form to allow the users to input the parameter and in turn the
access report will be generated corresponding to this parameter. I appreciate
any direction/help on this issue. Thanks.
I am trying to find out how to integrate stored procedure with an Access
report. For test purpose, I am trying the following procedure out of pubs
create procedure sp_gettitles
@type char(12)
select * from titles
where type = @type
Now if I run the above stored procedure using the following paramters (in
query analyzer)
exec 'busniess'
I will obtain a recordset in query analyzer. Now I need to find a way that I
can use a form to allow the users to input the parameter and in turn the
access report will be generated corresponding to this parameter. I appreciate
any direction/help on this issue. Thanks.