"inter parameter value"
i get prompt "inter parameter value" when i open query . how do i can to
prevent it? thanks
dig a hole and bury (inter) it...???
The prompt (if you have an English languange installation) is surely "Enter
parameter value", and it's asking you to provide the value of some parameter
(it tells you what parameter, but you didn't tell us) that it can't recognize.
If you have anything in your query in [square brackets] which Access can't
recognize you'll get the prompt. Sometimes this can be a valid way to ask the
user to provide a criterion for a query; or it can be a misspelled fieldname,
or something else that Access can't recognize.
Please open the query in design view, select View... SQL from the menu, and
post the SQL text of the query to a message here. Indicate what parameter
Access is prompting you for, and if need be the fieldnames in your table.