Nicholas Scarpinato
I have a database I'm building for the Returns department of the warehouse of
the company I work for. This database has various users and user groups I've
set up (not through Access security settings, these groups are set up
manually). I have a group of data entry people who check in the returned
products, and then a group one level up from them of people who process the
data the first group has entered and prepare the actual items to be sent back
to their respective vendors.
Our returns department has a limited amount of space to store the products
as they're being checked in. Most of the vendors have their own assigned
location. What I'm trying to do right now is set up a process that does two
1. When the processors are ready to send products from a bin back to their
respective vendor, I want to lock that bin location so nothing can be stored
in it until they finish with their submission. Any products for that vendor
will just have to wait before being put away. (I've already built this half
of the process and I have a temporary storage location for those phones that
will be dumped into the main table once the bin is open again.)
2. I need to somehow let the people who have products waiting to be put up
that the bin is open and ready for items to be stored in it again, and then
give them the functionality to do the transfer.
I would like to know if there's a way to pop up a message on the screens of
the users affected when the bin becomes available again. The database is
split. Is there a way to communicate with the front ends through the backend
the company I work for. This database has various users and user groups I've
set up (not through Access security settings, these groups are set up
manually). I have a group of data entry people who check in the returned
products, and then a group one level up from them of people who process the
data the first group has entered and prepare the actual items to be sent back
to their respective vendors.
Our returns department has a limited amount of space to store the products
as they're being checked in. Most of the vendors have their own assigned
location. What I'm trying to do right now is set up a process that does two
1. When the processors are ready to send products from a bin back to their
respective vendor, I want to lock that bin location so nothing can be stored
in it until they finish with their submission. Any products for that vendor
will just have to wait before being put away. (I've already built this half
of the process and I have a temporary storage location for those phones that
will be dumped into the main table once the bin is open again.)
2. I need to somehow let the people who have products waiting to be put up
that the bin is open and ready for items to be stored in it again, and then
give them the functionality to do the transfer.
I would like to know if there's a way to pop up a message on the screens of
the users affected when the bin becomes available again. The database is
split. Is there a way to communicate with the front ends through the backend