Interactive buttons--get red x's when I hover



My problem is similar to the one posted by Ang on 1/26/2004 (Interactive Button problem). When I preview pages in FP or a browser, most of my interactive buttons convert to red x's when I move the mouse over them, instead of changing to the hover and pressed colors. The links still work, however.

My site does not use shared borders or include pages. The idle, hover, and pressed images for each button are stored in an images folder--I've checked to be sure that all needed image files are there. I've also reviewed all site hyperlinks to be sure that each button points to the correct idle, hover, and pressed images. I've noticed that immediately after I preview a page (getting the red x's for some or all buttons), if I view the hyperlinks report, the hyperlinks that I just previewed are now broken (even though they were OK before I previewed the page).

My home page links to four main pages. All five of these pages show the same four interactive buttons down the left side of the page. For example, there is a "Services" button on each page, and each of these Services buttons is linked to the same three idle, hover, and pressed image files in the images folder.

Any ideas on why the hover and pressed functions are not working for me?

Thanks very much,

Stefan B Rusynko

Provide a URL for the site

Open each page in Code view and check the paths to the saved images in the BODY tag

| My problem is similar to the one posted by Ang on 1/26/2004 (Interactive Button problem). When I preview pages in FP or a
browser, most of my interactive buttons convert to red x's when I move the mouse over them, instead of changing to the hover and
pressed colors. The links still work, however.
| My site does not use shared borders or include pages. The idle, hover, and pressed images for each button are stored in an images
folder--I've checked to be sure that all needed image files are there. I've also reviewed all site hyperlinks to be sure that each
button points to the correct idle, hover, and pressed images. I've noticed that immediately after I preview a page (getting the red
x's for some or all buttons), if I view the hyperlinks report, the hyperlinks that I just previewed are now broken (even though they
were OK before I previewed the page).
| My home page links to four main pages. All five of these pages show the same four interactive buttons down the left side of the
page. For example, there is a "Services" button on each page, and each of these Services buttons is linked to the same three idle,
hover, and pressed image files in the images folder.
| Any ideas on why the hover and pressed functions are not working for me?
| Thanks very much,
| Brian


Thanks, Stefan. I'm an FP novice, so I'm hesitant to get too much into code. I did work out a routine that, although tedious, worked for me and may work for others getting red x's when they hover over interactive buttons. Particularly if, like me, they copied and pasted a lot of their buttons.

1. Right-click the button and select button properties.
2. Recheck the property settings, be sure the "overwrite original images" box is cleared, and click OK.
3. Save the page.
4. In the "save embedded files" dialog box, rename and relocate (as needed) the button's three image files (original, hover, pressed), then click OK to save or overwrite the files.
5. Repeat the steps above for each interactive button.

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