Was probably your broken table
| I just set up one of the tables as you mentioned and it
| worked. I thought I tried putting it in a table before
| but I must have not set it up correctly.
| Nancy
| >-----Original Message-----
| >When you string images together like that in 1 cell w/o
| setting image alignment properties you are leaving to the
| browser to decide
| >how to render it - causing it to "stretch" them out
| across the page
| >- although the <br> tag should prevent that
| >But your table and cell are also both set for 100% width
| and the table (in the code you have is broken - missing a
| ></td></tr></table> before the 2nd table at
| ><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
| width="110">
| >
| >Recommend you convert the buttons to be in a table of
| 130 px wide and 120px high (6 cells of 130px wide by 20
| px high) and set your
| >table / cell / image alignments
| >
| >You can do that by replacing the <br> w/ <p> then select
| the six buttons and use Table Convert Text to Table
| >- then clean out and stray <p> and spaces in the table
| cells
| >
| >The relevant code should look something like below :
| >
| ><div align="left">
| > <table border="0" width="130" cellspacing="0"
| cellpadding="0" height="120">
| > <tr><th align="center" width="130" height="20">Helpful
| Links:</th>
| > </tr><tr>
| > <td align="center" width="130" height="20"><a
| target="_blank"
| href=""><img border="0"
| id="img29"
| >src="images/button219.jpg" height="20" width="130"
| alt="Outlook Web Access" fp-style="fp-btn: Embossed
| >Rectangle 1; fp-justify-horiz: 0; fp-proportional: 0; fp-
| orig: 0" fp-title="Outlook Web Access"
| onmouseover="FP_swapImg
| >(1,0,/*id*/'img29',/*url*/'images/button217.jpg')"
| onmouseout="FP_swapImg
| >(0,0,/*id*/'img29',/*url*/'images/button219.jpg')"
| onmousedown="FP_swapImg
| >(1,0,/*id*/'img29',/*url*/'images/button218.jpg')"
| onmouseup="FP_swapImg
| >(0,0,/*id*/'img29',/*url*/'images/button217.jpg')"></a>
| </td>
| > </tr><tr>
| > <td align="center" width="130" height="20"><a
| href="
| >Op=ShowIt&CalendarName=Official_Corporate_Calendar"
| target="_blank"><img border="0" id="img34"
| src="images/button1B5.jpg"
| >height="20" width="130" align="middle" alt="Corporate
| Calendar" onmouseover="FP_swapImg
| >(1,0,/*id*/'img34',/*url*/'images/button1C3.jpg')"
| onmouseout="FP_swapImg
| >(0,0,/*id*/'img34',/*url*/'images/button1B5.jpg')"
| onmousedown="FP_swapImg
| >(1,0,/*id*/'img34',/*url*/'images/button1D4.jpg')"
| onmouseup="FP_swapImg
| >(0,0,/*id*/'img34',/*url*/'images/button1C3.jpg')" fp-
| style="fp-btn: Embossed Rectangle 1; fp-justify-horiz: 0;
| fp-proportional: 0;
| >fp-orig: 0" fp-title="Corporate
| >Calendar"></a></td>
| > </tr><tr>
| > <td align="center" width="130" height="20"><a
| target="_blank" href="
| >bin/calcium37.pl?
| Op=ShowIt&CalendarName=Accounting_Deadline"><img
| border="0" id="img46" src="images/button1.jpg" height="20"
| >width="130" align="middle" alt="Accounting Calendar" fp-
| style="fp-btn: Embossed Rectangle 1; fp-justify-horiz: 0;
| fp-proportional:
| >0; fp-orig: 0" fp-title="Accounting Calendar"
| onmouseover="FP_swapImg
| >(1,0,/*id*/'img46',/*url*/'images/button2.jpg')"
| onmouseout="FP_swapImg
| >(0,0,/*id*/'img46',/*url*/'images/button1.jpg')"
| onmousedown="FP_swapImg
| >(1,0,/*id*/'img46',/*url*/'images/button3.jpg')"
| onmouseup="FP_swapImg
| >
| (0,0,/*id*/'img46',/*url*/'images/button2.jpg')"></a></td>
| > </tr><tr>
| > <td align="center" width="130" height="20"><a
| href="
| >bin/calcium37.pl?Op=UserLogin" target="_blank"><img
| border="0" id="img43" src="images/button1E5.jpg"
| height="20" width="130"
| >align="middle" alt="Calendar Login Page"
| onmouseover="FP_swapImg
| >(1,0,/*id*/'img43',/*url*/'images/button1F4.jpg')"
| onmouseout="FP_swapImg
| >(0,0,/*id*/'img43',/*url*/'images/button1E5.jpg')"
| onmousedown="FP_swapImg
| >(1,0,/*id*/'img43',/*url*/'images/button220.jpg')"
| onmouseup="FP_swapImg
| >(0,0,/*id*/'img43',/*url*/'images/button1F4.jpg')" fp-
| style="fp-btn: Embossed Rectangle 1; fp-justify-horiz: 0;
| fp-proportional: 0;
| >fp-orig: 0" fp-title="Calendar Login Page"></a></td>
| > </tr><tr>
| > <td align="center" width="130" height="20"><a
| href="whistleblower.htm"><img border="0" id="img44"
| src="images/button225.jpg"
| >height="20" width="130" align="middle"
| alt="Whistleblower Policy" onmouseover="FP_swapImg
| >(1,0,/*id*/'img44',/*url*/'images/button221.jpg')"
| onmouseout="FP_swapImg
| >(0,0,/*id*/'img44',/*url*/'images/button225.jpg')"
| onmousedown="FP_swapImg
| >(1,0,/*id*/'img44',/*url*/'images/button222.jpg')"
| onmouseup="FP_swapImg
| >(0,0,/*id*/'img44',/*url*/'images/button221.jpg')" fp-
| style="fp-btn: Embossed Rectangle 1; fp-justify-horiz: 0;
| fp-proportional: 0;
| >fp-orig: 0" fp-title="Whistleblower Policy"></a> </td>
| > </tr><tr>
| > <td align="center" width="130" height="20"><a
| href="
| >ir.net/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=TVL&script=400"
| target="_blank"><img border="0" id="img45"
| src="images/button226.jpg" height="20"
| >width="130" align="middle" alt="Press Releases"
| onmouseover="FP_swapImg
| >(1,0,/*id*/'img45',/*url*/'images/button223.jpg')"
| onmouseout="FP_swapImg
| >(0,0,/*id*/'img45',/*url*/'images/button226.jpg')"
| onmousedown="FP_swapImg
| >(1,0,/*id*/'img45',/*url*/'images/button224.jpg')"
| onmouseup="FP_swapImg
| >(0,0,/*id*/'img45',/*url*/'images/button223.jpg')"
| style="fp-btn: Embossed Rectangle 1; fp-justify-horiz: 0;
| fp-proportional: 0;
| >fp-orig: 0" fp-title="Press Releases"></a></td>
| > </tr></table></div>
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >--
| >
| >_____________________________________________
| >SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP -
| FrontPage ]
| >"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-
| ;
| >To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| >
| >_____________________________________________
| >
| >
| | >| Thanks for the quick response.
| >| What it is doing to my page is a little hard to explain
| >| so here goes...
| >| I have a template with a non editable header, a left
| hand
| >| column (editable) and the middle section is for the
| body
| >| of the page (also editable). On all of my pages from
| this
| >| template, I have different navigation buttons in the
| left
| >| hand column and then different body copy. What is
| >| happening is that in FP and when previewing, all the
| >| buttons are lined up in a column perfectly underneath
| >| each other with no spaces. After publishing and viewing
| >| on different machines, on some machines the column of
| >| interactive buttons stagger across the page like steps
| >| towards the right which completely moves the Body text
| >| way over to the right. Each page does this on some
| >| machines. But on other machines the page comes up
| fine. I
| >| have checked the browser versions of IE and they are
| the
| >| same for the most part. All are at least IE6.
| >|
| >| Here is some of the code for the buttons: It doesn't
| look
| >| pretty!
| >|
| >|
| >| <td msopnltype="NavBody" rowspan="3" valign="top">
| >| <!-- MSCellType="NavBody" -->
| >| <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
| >| border="0" width="100%" height="100%">
| >| <!-- MSCellFormattingTableID="7" -
| >| ->
| >| <tr>
| >| <td msopnltype="NavBody"
| >| valign="top" height="100%" width="100%">
| >| <!--
| >| MSCellFormattingType="content" -->
| >| <!--
| >| #BeginEditable "links" -->
| >| <p align="center"><b>Helpful
| >| Links:</b></p>
| >| <div align="left">
| >| <p align="center">
| >| <a
| >| target="_blank" href="">
| >| <img border="0" id="img29"
| >| src="images/button219.jpg" height="20" width="130"
| >| alt="Outlook Web Access" fp-style="fp-btn: Embossed
| >| Rectangle 1; fp-justify-horiz: 0; fp-proportional: 0;
| fp-
| >| orig: 0" fp-title="Outlook Web Access"
| >| onmouseover="FP_swapImg
| >| (1,0,/*id*/'img29',/*url*/'images/button217.jpg')"
| >| onmouseout="FP_swapImg
| >| (0,0,/*id*/'img29',/*url*/'images/button219.jpg')"
| >| onmousedown="FP_swapImg
| >| (1,0,/*id*/'img29',/*url*/'images/button218.jpg')"
| >| onmouseup="FP_swapImg
| >|
| (0,0,/*id*/'img29',/*url*/'images/button217.jpg')"></a><br
| >| >
| >| <a
| >| href="
| >| Op=ShowIt&CalendarName=Official_Corporate_Calendar"
| >| target="_blank">
| >| <img border="0" id="img34"
| >| src="images/button1B5.jpg" height="20" width="130"
| >| alt="Corporate Calendar" onmouseover="FP_swapImg
| >| (1,0,/*id*/'img34',/*url*/'images/button1C3.jpg')"
| >| onmouseout="FP_swapImg
| >| (0,0,/*id*/'img34',/*url*/'images/button1B5.jpg')"
| >| onmousedown="FP_swapImg
| >| (1,0,/*id*/'img34',/*url*/'images/button1D4.jpg')"
| >| onmouseup="FP_swapImg
| >| (0,0,/*id*/'img34',/*url*/'images/button1C3.jpg')" fp-
| >| style="fp-btn: Embossed Rectangle 1; fp-justify-horiz:
| 0;
| >| fp-proportional: 0; fp-orig: 0" fp-title="Corporate
| >| Calendar"></a><br>
| >| <a
| >| target="_blank" href="
| >| bin/calcium37.pl?
| >| Op=ShowIt&CalendarName=Accounting_Deadline">
| >| <img border="0" id="img46"
| >| src="images/button1.jpg" height="20" width="130"
| >| alt="Accounting Calendar" fp-style="fp-btn: Embossed
| >| Rectangle 1; fp-justify-horiz: 0; fp-proportional: 0;
| fp-
| >| orig: 0" fp-title="Accounting Calendar"
| >| onmouseover="FP_swapImg
| >| (1,0,/*id*/'img46',/*url*/'images/button2.jpg')"
| >| onmouseout="FP_swapImg
| >| (0,0,/*id*/'img46',/*url*/'images/button1.jpg')"
| >| onmousedown="FP_swapImg
| >| (1,0,/*id*/'img46',/*url*/'images/button3.jpg')"
| >| onmouseup="FP_swapImg
| >|
| (0,0,/*id*/'img46',/*url*/'images/button2.jpg')"></a><br>
| >| <a href="
| >| bin/calcium37.pl?Op=UserLogin" target="_blank">
| >| <img border="0" id="img43"
| >| src="images/button1E5.jpg" height="20" width="130"
| >| alt="Calendar Login Page" onmouseover="FP_swapImg
| >| (1,0,/*id*/'img43',/*url*/'images/button1F4.jpg')"
| >| onmouseout="FP_swapImg
| >| (0,0,/*id*/'img43',/*url*/'images/button1E5.jpg')"
| >| onmousedown="FP_swapImg
| >| (1,0,/*id*/'img43',/*url*/'images/button220.jpg')"
| >| onmouseup="FP_swapImg
| >| (0,0,/*id*/'img43',/*url*/'images/button1F4.jpg')" fp-
| >| style="fp-btn: Embossed Rectangle 1; fp-justify-horiz:
| 0;
| >| fp-proportional: 0; fp-orig: 0" fp-title="Calendar
| Login
| >| Page"></a><br>
| >| <a href="whistleblower.htm">
| >| <img border="0" id="img44"
| >| src="images/button225.jpg" height="20" width="130"
| >| alt="Whistleblower Policy" onmouseover="FP_swapImg
| >| (1,0,/*id*/'img44',/*url*/'images/button221.jpg')"
| >| onmouseout="FP_swapImg
| >| (0,0,/*id*/'img44',/*url*/'images/button225.jpg')"
| >| onmousedown="FP_swapImg
| >| (1,0,/*id*/'img44',/*url*/'images/button222.jpg')"
| >| onmouseup="FP_swapImg
| >| (0,0,/*id*/'img44',/*url*/'images/button221.jpg')" fp-
| >| style="fp-btn: Embossed Rectangle 1; fp-justify-horiz:
| 0;
| >| fp-proportional: 0; fp-orig: 0" fp-title="Whistleblower
| >| Policy"></a><br>
| >| <a href="
| >| ir.net/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=TVL&script=400"
| >| target="_blank">
| >| <img border="0" id="img45"
| >| src="images/button226.jpg" height="20" width="130"
| >| alt="Press Releases" onmouseover="FP_swapImg
| >| (1,0,/*id*/'img45',/*url*/'images/button223.jpg')"
| >| onmouseout="FP_swapImg
| >| (0,0,/*id*/'img45',/*url*/'images/button226.jpg')"
| >| onmousedown="FP_swapImg
| >| (1,0,/*id*/'img45',/*url*/'images/button224.jpg')"
| >| onmouseup="FP_swapImg
| >| (0,0,/*id*/'img45',/*url*/'images/button223.jpg')" fp-
| >| style="fp-btn: Embossed Rectangle 1; fp-justify-horiz:
| 0;
| >| fp-proportional: 0; fp-orig: 0" fp-title="Press
| >| Releases"></a></p>
| >| <table border="0"
| >| cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="110">
| >| <tr>
| >|
| >| <td></td>
| >| </tr>
| >| </table>
| >| </div>
| >| <p
| >| align="center"> </p>
| >|
| >|
| >|
| >|
| >|
| >|
| >|
| >| >-----Original Message-----
| >| >Difficult to understand what can be "reformatting"
| your
| >| page
| >| >- The IB just uses images and JavaScript
| >| >Can you post a code snipped of the table
| >| >- try a cell per IB and size the table cells to the IB
| >| images
| >| >
| >| >--
| >| >
| >| >_____________________________________________
| >| >SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP -
| >| FrontPage ]
| >| >"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break
| anything!" (-
| >| ;
| >| >To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| >| >
| >| >_____________________________________________
| >| >
| >| >
| >| message | >| >| Hi everyone,
| >| >| I am trying to set up an Intranet site and I am
| using
| >| >| FP2003. I am using the Interactive Buttons for
| >| >| navigation. I have set up the site using Dynamic Web
| >| >| Templates with Editable regions for easy editing.
| The
| >| >| problem is that on most of the computers in the
| office
| >| >| the site looks great when opening in IE6.
| Everything is
| >| >| formatted properly and the structure is the same for
| >| all
| >| >| pages. However, on some of the servers when I bring
| up
| >| >| the page in my IE6 browser the interactive buttons
| >| >| spread out across the page throwing the all the
| pages
| >| >| off. What can I do to fix this? I tried putting the
| >| >| buttons in a table and it still stretches the
| buttons
| >| >| across the page.
| >| >|
| >| >| Any ideas on how to fix?
| >| >| Thanks,
| >| >| Nancy
| >| >
| >| >
| >| >.
| >| >
| >
| >
| >.
| >