Can an interactive button be used in a shared border?
I agree with the above post you should use the DWT template feature but if
you have a large site with shared borders already a major feature of the
site and don't want to redisign it there is a work around using the include
page feature.
1) Open up a blank new page with no theme or borders attached to it.
2) Insert your Interactive Buttons the way you want them into this page.
3) In Code view select the script in the head section.
It'll start with this Line: <script language="JavaScript">
And end with this line: </script>
Select the complete script inclucding the lines I have listed above and drag
it into the body section of the page right under the openeing body tag. The
body tag will look something like this: <body onload="FP_preloadImgs (list
of your image)">
4) Now save the page and name it something like lnav.htm.
5) Open up a page that you have your Left Shared Border on, delete your
hover buttons and the go to (Insert / Web Component) Select "Included
Content" in the left window and then "Page" in the right window.
6) Hit the Finish button and then just browse to the lnav.htm page you just
I post this as an FYI and just a work around if you need it but highly
suggest you take a look at the Dynamic Web Template feature John and Jim
mention above. There are a great new tool in FP.
Have Fun Bill
RealDraw Cafe
MicrosoftGraphics Users Group