Interactive PivotTables on the Web



So I got my interactive pivottable to work on the computer I used to generate
it. I uploaded what I thought were all the necessary files. But it doesn't
work on other computers. This usually means that either 1) a necessary file
has not been uploaded to my web site, or 2) that a path in the actual HTML
code points to a file on the computer and not on my site, or 3) both. But
since I am new to publishing interactive pivottables on the web, there could
be many other causes of which I am unaware. I.e. do I have to publish the
query, too? Does the worksheet the query queries also have to be published?
If so, do I need to alter the HTML code? If so, to what? Does the worksheet
the query queries have to be published first and the query set up to query
the published worksheet? See? Lots of other things that could cause this
problem. But since I am new, I have no idea which of these it could be or
what I should do about it even if I did? Anyone know how to help me?

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