Interesting Bug - Custom Field Icons Locked Out in My Tasks


Andy S

I am working with Project Server 2003. I have created a custom field
titled "Task Status Spotlight". It is an Enterprise Text field that
has the values Green, Yellow, Red; and an graphical indicator for
corresponding to each selection. It is not tied to any formula, and
is editable by the user in their timesheet view.

The problem I am having is this:

In PWA timesheet, this field is editable, but the users do not have
the green, yellow, and red icons...they see the actual text "green",
"yellow", or "red". They can select the appropiate text, and then
update their timesheet. Once the timesheet is approved by the project
manager, these values are inputted into Project Pro, and Project Pro
converts the text to the corresponding graphical indicator.
Unfortuately, now that this text is converted to a graphical
indicator, the next time a user opens his timesheet, a graphical
indicator (rather than the text) appears, and the user can no longer
edit that field.

Is there any way around this bug?

Jonathan Sofer

I don't imagine there is a workaround for this bug. There are many known
issues in 2007 around graphical indicators how they behave in the client vs
PWA. And throwing the timesheet updates into the mix sounds like asking for
more trouble. If at all possible, I would avoid using graphical indicators
until SP1 is released in 2008. And even then, I would not count on them
fixing all the issues around graphical indicators, this one you mentioned
around timesheets is a new one I haven't heard about so I am not sure MS is
planning on fixing it. If you have the means, I would recommend opening a
support tickets so they are at least aware of it.

FYI, a similar issue exists with graphical indicators on project fields when
you publish from PWAuproject edit properties vs the client. MS stated they
are aware of this: "In the instance of the Graphical Identifiers showing as
text and not as the graphic, this unfortunately is a known issue and the
development team is currently working to try and write a resolution for this
issue in a future service pack. Until that time the workaround for this
issue is to define the same GI for non-summary rows. Or, always edit from
the project client as this issue does not represent when doing so."

Jonathan Sofer


You can see also what I wrote about what it's happening with graphical
to me into the post with subject: Custom Field and Graphical Indicator just
to confirm that are happening strange things using them...


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


It's not a bug, it's by design. The field is likely not displaying the
graphical indicator the first time because the assignment was published
before you created the field. The way around this is to define one field for
users to edit which does not use graphical indicators, and another for
display purposes that references the editable field as a formual and
displays the graphical indicator.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
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