Interesting news about OL2007 mail download problem



Few weeks ago I posted a question about a strange mail download problem in
An account, but just one, is currently not able to download its email from
the pop3 server. Error is "Syntax not valid". Apparently, OL2007 communicates
something wrong during POP3 protocol with the server.
The same account, with same settings, works fine with OL2003 and on OE.
I was quite giving up OL2007, when (yesterday) I finally received mails on
that account.
The main difference was that I was not connected on my LAN, but I was at a
customer site, plugged directly into the router, and HAVING a PUBLIC IP on my
ethernet card, instead of my usual local IP.

Now, this is not the solution, but it seems to me that OL2007 presents
itself to the server, using something not accepted by it, and this
'something' is related to the IP address.

I remark that with OE or Outlook2003 every is still working fine, so the
POP3 server is properly responding (or, at least, it is responding enough
standardly for establishing a connection).

If anyone has any idea or workaround, it will be hugely appreciated.



Patrick Schmid

Hi Alberto,

Can you switch on logging in Tools, Options, Others, Advanced? Log files
are in Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\temp\Microsoft
Outlook Logging (or just Outlook logging, I forgot which one).
Those files might shed some light on what is going here in regards to
the POP commands. I can send your issue to MS for analysis if you zip
them up and send them along with a description of what the issue is and
what you have tried via email to me. You can get my email address from
my website.

Patrick Schmid

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