Interesting Treeview problem.


RB Smissaert

Does somebody have a routine that finds the order of the nodes in a Treeview
control, using the indices and parent indices, but not using the actual
I have an array with in column one the index of the nodes and in column 2
the parent index of the nodes.
The array is ordered ascending on column one.
What I have to do is get the order of the nodes in column three, using only
the information in columns one and two of the array.
With order of the nodes I mean the order they appear on the screen from top
to bottom.

This an example of the array where this has been done:

1 1
2 1 2
3 2 3
4 3 4
5 3 10
6 3 11
7 3 13
8 3 14
9 3 15
10 3 16
11 3 17
12 6 12
13 3 18
14 13 19
15 3 22
16 3 23
17 16 24
18 3 25
19 18 26
20 18 27
21 20 28
22 3 29
23 22 30
24 22 31
25 24 32
26 22 33
27 26 34
28 26 35
29 28 36
30 13 20
31 30 21
32 3 37
33 32 38
34 4 5
35 34 6
36 34 7
37 34 8
38 37 9

Thanks for any assistance.

RB Smissaert

I think I figured this out by looking at a similar routine, passsed to me by
somebody on
the newsgroup a while ago, that works on the actual treeview.

The index is in column 1, the parent index in column 4 and the order goes in
column 5
NC is the nodecount of the treeview.

Sub OrderTest(ByVal Idx As Byte, NC As Byte)

Dim n As Byte
Static n2 As Byte
Static counter As Byte

If Idx = 1 Then
SearchValuesArray(1, 5) = 1
counter = 2
End If

'look for child nodes first
For n = Idx To NC
If SearchValuesArray(n, 4) = Idx Then
'found child node
SearchValuesArray(n, 5) = counter
counter = counter + 1
'look for the child of this child
OrderTest SearchValuesArray(n, 1), NC
End If

n2 = n

'look for sibling nodes
For n = n2 To NC
If SearchValuesArray(n, 4) = Idx Then
'found sibling
SearchValuesArray(n, 5) = counter
counter = counter + 1
'look for children again
OrderTest SearchValuesArray(n, 1), NC
End If

End Sub

And call this sub like this.

Sub ordertest2()
OrderTest 1, 38
End Sub

I might make it a bit more efficient, but it does work.


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