Interesting Web blog on Excel charting obsessions


Eva Whitley


"Excel Pile"

"Most of the people I know are geeks, and some large number of geeks
are obsessive to one degree or another. (This can be verified by
anyone who's ever mumbled "Asperger's..." under their breath while
watching me arrange my Windows desktop.)

"Perhaps the ultimate example of this sort of dorkiness is the fact
that almost every one of my friends has, at one point or another, made
at least one Excel spreadsheet to document some arcane aspect of their
lives. The number of consecutive sunny days, the types and prices of
the cups of coffee they drink, or just straightforward charts about
their boss's mood. There's no end to the ways one can misuse desktop
applications in one's personal life..."

Nope, not me. Those charts I made keeping track of the different
colors of M&Ms are for the day when they let me demonstrate basic
charting functions in Excel and not in the least obsessive. As was the
therometer chart I made two years ago charting how much time was left
in the horrible contract I was stuck in.

After all, it's important to keep your Excel charting knowledge fresh,
isn't it? --Eva Whitley

Jon Peltier

That reminds me, I went jogging after work: I'd better take a minute and
update my exercise spreadsheet.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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