Interim Plans can be saved in MS Project 2003. You can compare an interim
plan with the baseline plan or current plan to monitor project progress or
slippage. You can save up to 10 interim plans. By comparing baseline or
current information with an interim plan, you can track task start and finish
dates only, not work or costs. You can save up to 10 interim plans for each
project plan.
On the Tools menu, point to Tracking, and then click Save Baseline.
Click Save interim plan.
In the Copy box, click the name of the baseline or interim plan with the
start and finish or baseline start and finish values you want to save.
In the Into box, click the name of the interim plan into which you want to
copy the values.
Click Entire project or Selected tasks to save the portion of the schedule
you want.
After saving an interim plan, you can view the plan's start and finish dates
by inserting its fields into the Task Sheet view; for example, if you've
saved three interim plans, you can view the dates saved in the third plan by
inserting the Start3 and Finish3 fields
Using the Gantt Chart Wizard, you can instantly change the formatting of
items such as the critical path, display link lines between dependent tasks,
or select color options and patterns for Gantt bars representing summary
tasks, subtasks, or milestones.
Follow the instructions on the gantt chart wizard and select custom fields
in the gantt chart wizard to display the fields related to the interim plan.