Ndilimani via OfficeKB.com
Whiel working with a Word document my computer freezes ervery 10 minutes
for about 10 to 15 sec.
This behaviour seems to depend on the Sace Autorecover interval in Options -
During the freeze period no keyboard activity will be displayed on the
screen. The Task Manager (Windowws XP Pro SP 2) shows the Word document as
not responding. The Windows XP ghost function attempts to launch a second
window (during the delays the documents appears twice at the task manager),
but the second instance is non-responsive as well.
The problem only occurs with Office programmes (Office XP), other
programmes work fine even if Word is open.
for about 10 to 15 sec.
This behaviour seems to depend on the Sace Autorecover interval in Options -
extend/shorten the period between delays.Save and also applies to manual savings. If I change the interval I can
During the freeze period no keyboard activity will be displayed on the
screen. The Task Manager (Windowws XP Pro SP 2) shows the Word document as
not responding. The Windows XP ghost function attempts to launch a second
window (during the delays the documents appears twice at the task manager),
but the second instance is non-responsive as well.
The problem only occurs with Office programmes (Office XP), other
programmes work fine even if Word is open.