Intermittent issue with 'Find' not finding a record


Mike S

I am running Access 2003, and a recently built database. My users are having
an intermittent issue with the 'find' function. What happens is that they
will search for a record using 'find' in a field that is set to 'indexed yes,
no duplicates'. This is also a Primary Key. Access returns no results. Then,
they will go to create the record, and when they save it, they get the
'duplicate index or primary key' error message. They run 'find' again, and
then the record comes up. This happens about once in every 15-20 attempts.

If the info helps, they are using a form/ subform, and the field they are
searching is on the parent form. There are several linked tables, most are
one to many relationships, and the value they are trying to find is in the
main table.

Thank you in advance for your suggestions,


Mike S

I will try to capture it. It hasn't happened to me, and happens to my users
infrequent enough that it may take awhile to catch it in the act.


Mike S

Update- I got one of my users to get a screenshot for me, he gets a 'runtime
error3022' with the standard 'duplicate index' message box. Does that give
you enough information?

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