Hi, We're writing documents in Oxygen XML and then running a custom transform to convert them into .docx files for opening in Word. When we open some of the .docx files, we get Internal Data Integrity (Type 4) errors. Word can repair the problems, but we would like to avoid creating .docx files with errors in the first place. Is there any way to find out the exact position and details for the errors? I know we can unzip the .docx into its component .xml files. How do we find out which line of the document.xml file is bad, and details about the error? For example, I can open the document.xml file in Oxygen and run Validate on it, and it displays a number of errors. But most of those errors don't cause Word to complain when it opens a file. We want to find out which problems in the document.xml are causing Word to display Internal Data Integrity (Type 4) errors. Thanks for any help!