"Internal error occured in auto phone dialer" How do I fix? Mode.



Two Issues:

1). "Internal error occured in auto phone dialer" How do I fix? Modem is
working properly.

2). I want to call from Contacts and utilize my headset for conversation.


i have same problem. (e-mail address removed). let me know if you have resolved.

Paul Lady

I'm also in this pit. Phone dialer works, but OL2002 refuses to dial after
removing an old modem and installing a new one to solve another problem.
Why does OL2002 not see the modem? only netmeeting and another line?



Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

See if resetting your dialing location for the operating system helps.

John Kirkwood via OfficeKB.com

From the thread http://www.officekb.com/Uwe/Forum.aspx/outlook-contacts/997.

RE: dialling 'a contact' from Outlook 08 Apr 2004 05:04 Ian Baird [MS]

1. Click the phone icon from a contact with a phone number to bring up the
New Call window,

2. Select "Dialing Options"

3. Under "Connect using Line" click to drop the drop down menu

4. You may need to use the arrow keys on the keyboard to select the Modem
from the list

Ian Baird
Microsoft PSS

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