Internal hyperlinking works??


Jim Tanis

I have a problem.
i have a table that holds documenting information about measurements I make
(aka methodology, repetition etc).
I also have another table that holds the measurement values.
Because documents (records) are deleted or changed often I want the user to
be able to select that the values for the documentation that is writing is in
the appropriate table.

With other words, each record in the documents table, should reffer to a
single table holding the measurements (Measurements table can't be combined
to one).
So the user fills in the documents table (through a form) and then selects
which table that document links to. (I've done that usinga a query that takes
values from mSysObjects, for tables)

BUT I also want the user, after selecting the table link to be able to open
that table. A button opening the table whose name is in that field is simple,
someone would say, but the DB users don't like buttons, because a single
accidental 'click' can do damage whereas in a set of fields, just changes

So I thought of using a hyperlink column. But is it possible to have a link
open a table or write code behind it???

If so, how is this done??

Thank you in advance for any responses.

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