internal links in OneNote 2003



It would be great if OneNote allow the creation of internal references or
links. I use OneNote extensively in my MBA program for referencing cases and
articles, taking notes and clipping web references. It would be great to be
able to add an internal hyperlink to another OneNote page.

Chris Hedlund

Great idea - the ability to cross reference other notes in different
sections. Sounds like a feature for the wish list!

Mike McGlynn

OneNote allows for a good hierarchical structure and accommodates parent
child concepts very well... but I would like some way of linking peers that
are three levels deep so I can avoid some of the up and down navigation.
Idiener's idea of internal hyperlinks would work well and I often wondered
why they were omitted. I will add that if we are going to add hyperlinks,
lets also add bookmarks.


And outlook categories as well please

Mike McGlynn said:
OneNote allows for a good hierarchical structure and accommodates parent
child concepts very well... but I would like some way of linking peers that
are three levels deep so I can avoid some of the up and down navigation.
Idiener's idea of internal hyperlinks would work well and I often wondered
why they were omitted. I will add that if we are going to add hyperlinks,
lets also add bookmarks.

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