internet pages and links



i am trying to copy a web page that has links and bring
it into onenote. my problem is that the links are not
accessible once in onenote. if any has any info, it would
be greatly appreciated.


Erik Sojka

Can you clarify what you're doing? How are you copying
the page?

You should be able to copy and paste content from IE (or
anywhere) and the HTML will be retained, including any

As a quick test of what I'm talking about, open up your
browser to your default page, Ctrl-A (Select All), Ctrl-C
(Copy) then Paste into OneNote. All of the links on the
copied content should work in OneNote.

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

This is fixed in Sp1. You need Sp1 to get links to work after pasting if
they are "friendly", that is they have a text label that is not the same as
the link itself e.g. do not have the form:

Chris Pratley (MS)
OneNote design team

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