Intersect Method


Arne Hegefors

I am trying to use interset method to locate a cell and get the value from
that cell. My cod now is:

Dim cell1 As Range
Dim cell2 As Range
cell1 = segment.Offset(0, m).Address
cell2 = segment.Offset(i, 0).Address
Set isect = Application.Intersect(Range("cell1"), Range("cell2"))

and it does not work at all. I have to use the segment.Offset() somehow
because I use that code to find other cells like this:

Do Until segment.Offset(i, 0).Value = "Cash" Or i > 5000
i = i + 1

Please help me with this code! Thanks very much in advance!

Bob Phillips

if cell1 and cell2 both refer to single cells, unless they are the same
cell, there is no intersect. Intersect refers to a cell or cells that are
contained within two or more ranges.

Maybe you could better explain what you arte trying to do.


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

Ken Johnson

Arne said:
I am trying to use interset method to locate a cell and get the value from
that cell. My cod now is:

Dim cell1 As Range
Dim cell2 As Range
cell1 = segment.Offset(0, m).Address
cell2 = segment.Offset(i, 0).Address
Set isect = Application.Intersect(Range("cell1"), Range("cell2"))

and it does not work at all. I have to use the segment.Offset() somehow
because I use that code to find other cells like this:

Do Until segment.Offset(i, 0).Value = "Cash" Or i > 5000
i = i + 1

Please help me with this code! Thanks very much in advance!

You have dimensioned cell1 and cell2 as ranges so you should be using
Set, and not using .Address...

Set cell1 = segment.Offset(0, m)
Set cell2 = segment.Offset(i, 0)

Then for isect it should be...

Set isect = Application.Intersect(cell1,cell2)

Ken Johnson


Hi Arne,

Without knowing more :
Maybe you need to use something like
Application.Intersect(Range("cell1").entireRow, Range("cell2").entireColumn)

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