Below are two solutions. The first is a macro, written for your data table to start in cell A1 and
have headers in row 1 and matched data sets in columns A and B, and columns C and D. Columns A to D
should be otherwise empty. Use Tools / Macro / Macros... and run FindTableIntercept.
The second is a User-Defined Function, which can be used by selecting two adjacent cells, typing in
(based on your example table)

and pressing Ctrl-Shift-Enter (array entry of the formula into both cells).
Both the macro and the function should be copied into a regular codemodule in your workbook, and
both give the solution
X = 16.57
Y = 8.45
For your example set.
I'm sure that I haven't handled all the possible ways this could go wrong - that is left as an
exercise for the reader ;-)
MS Excel MVP
Sub FindTableIntercept()
Dim X1Vals As Range
Dim Y1Vals As Range
Dim X2Vals As Range
Dim Y2Vals As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim M1 As Double
Dim M2 As Double
Dim B1 As Double
Dim B2 As Double
Dim XVal As Double
Dim YVal As Double
Set X1Vals = Range("A2", Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
Set Y1Vals = Range("B2", Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp))
Set X2Vals = Range("C2", Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp))
Set Y2Vals = Range("D2", Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp))
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
For i = 2 To X1Vals.Cells.Count
For j = 2 To X2Vals.Cells.Count
M1 = (Y1Vals.Cells(i).Value - Y1Vals.Cells(i - 1).Value) / _
(X1Vals.Cells(i).Value - X1Vals.Cells(i - 1).Value)
M2 = (Y2Vals.Cells(j).Value - Y2Vals.Cells(j - 1).Value) / _
(X2Vals.Cells(j).Value - X2Vals.Cells(j - 1).Value)
B1 = Y1Vals.Cells(i).Value - M1 * X1Vals.Cells(i).Value
B2 = Y2Vals.Cells(j).Value - M2 * X2Vals.Cells(j).Value
XVal = (B2 - B1) / (M1 - M2)
YVal = M1 * XVal + B1
If (XVal >= X1Vals.Cells(i - 1).Value And XVal <= X1Vals.Cells(i).Value) And _
(XVal >= X2Vals.Cells(j - 1).Value And XVal <= X2Vals.Cells(j).Value) Then
MsgBox "A solution is X = " & XVal & ", Y = " & YVal
Exit Sub
End If
Next j
Next i
MsgBox "An extrapolated solution base on the last two sets is X = " & XVal & ", Y = " & YVal
Exit Sub
MsgBox "There is an error with the data set"
End Sub
Function MyIntercept(X1Vals As Range, _
Y1Vals As Range, _
X2Vals As Range, _
Y2Vals As Range) As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim M1 As Double
Dim M2 As Double
Dim B1 As Double
Dim B2 As Double
Dim XVal As Double
Dim YVal As Double
Dim mySol(1 To 2) As Double
If (X1Vals.Cells.Count <> Y1Vals.Cells.Count) Or _
(X2Vals.Cells.Count <> Y2Vals.Cells.Count) Then
MyIntercept = Array("Mismatched", "Cells")
Exit Function
End If
For i = 2 To X1Vals.Cells.Count
For j = 2 To X2Vals.Cells.Count
M1 = (Y1Vals.Cells(i).Value - Y1Vals.Cells(i - 1).Value) / _
(X1Vals.Cells(i).Value - X1Vals.Cells(i - 1).Value)
M2 = (Y2Vals.Cells(j).Value - Y2Vals.Cells(j - 1).Value) / _
(X2Vals.Cells(j).Value - X2Vals.Cells(j - 1).Value)
B1 = Y1Vals.Cells(i).Value - M1 * X1Vals.Cells(i).Value
B2 = Y2Vals.Cells(j).Value - M2 * X2Vals.Cells(j).Value
XVal = (B2 - B1) / (M1 - M2)
YVal = M1 * XVal + B1
If (XVal >= X1Vals.Cells(i - 1).Value And XVal <= X1Vals.Cells(i).Value) And _
(XVal >= X2Vals.Cells(j - 1).Value And XVal <= X2Vals.Cells(j).Value) Then
mySol(1) = XVal
mySol(2) = YVal
GoTo Output
End If
Next j
Next i
mySol(1) = XVal
mySol(2) = YVal
If Application.Caller.Rows.Count = 1 Then
MyIntercept = mySol
MyIntercept = Application.Transpose(mySol)
End If
End Function