"Interval" changes sorting order


Dave Lee

This is a (much) simplified version of the "Report/Grouping" question posted earlier.

The database has a single table (T1) with Fields F1 and F2 (both integer types). The primary key is F1/F2. The table has 9 records. I will show them in the order of F1-F2. The values are 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 .... 3-2, 3-3.

There is a report based on table T1. The top level grouping is on F1, ascending sort, with "Group On" Each Value and Group Interval of 1. The next level of grouping is on F2, ascending sort, with the remaining grouping parameters the same as for F1. When I view the report I see no surprises. The three F1 = 1 records come first and sorted in ascending order on F2.

Now I will go back to this table and change the sorting/grouping parameters for F2 (second level of grouping). I will change F2 "Group On" to "interval" with a group interval of 4 (which seems to be what is required to create groups of 3). This will change the order of the records reported in the report. They will still come out sorted with all F1 =1 records first. But the F1 records will now come out in descending order, regardless of the ordering specified in the "Sorting and Grouping" box. In similar, but more complicated examples I have seen the second level sorting come out in what appears to be a random order.

Can someone explain what is happening here? This would appear to be an ACCESS bug, but that seems unlikely to me.




Dave Lee said:
This is a (much) simplified version of the "Report/Grouping" question posted earlier.

The database has a single table (T1) with Fields F1 and F2 (both integer
types). The primary key is F1/F2. The table has 9 records. I will show them
in the order of F1-F2. The values are 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 .... 3-2, 3-3.
There is a report based on table T1. The top level grouping is on F1,
ascending sort, with "Group On" Each Value and Group Interval of 1. The next
level of grouping is on F2, ascending sort, with the remaining grouping
parameters the same as for F1. When I view the report I see no surprises.
The three F1 = 1 records come first and sorted in ascending order on F2.
Now I will go back to this table and change the sorting/grouping
parameters for F2 (second level of grouping). I will change F2 "Group On" to
"interval" with a group interval of 4 (which seems to be what is required to
create groups of 3). This will change the order of the records reported in
the report. They will still come out sorted with all F1 =1 records first.
But the F1 records will now come out in descending order, regardless of the
ordering specified in the "Sorting and Grouping" box. In similar, but more
complicated examples I have seen the second level sorting come out in what
appears to be a random order.
Can someone explain what is happening here? This would appear to be an
ACCESS bug, but that seems unlikely to me.

Dave Lee

Thanks for the response. But the only content was only a copy of my original post. Could you re-post your response




Sorry about that!

I started to write something, then decided to see if somebody else had
something better to contribute.
Guess I managed to send a blank message in the process.

I have never actually used intervals myself - never had a situation where
they seemed useful.
From what I can gather from reading the help files and experimenting a bit
myself, it doesn't seem that they're well-adapted to what you want to
achieve, either.

My best advice is to post again, describing in detail what it is you want to

- Turtle

Dave Lee said:
Thanks for the response. But the only content was only a copy of my
original post. Could you re-post your response.

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