Intializing Folders on every save



Posted this yesterday but don't see it.
Every time I do a save, or save as, Word2007 goes into an "Intializing
Folders" routine that takes forever, starts in my docs (which is my start
folder location) then with every drive/folder change it examines the folder &
drive and takes even more time. Sometimes I have to cancel the first attempt
and then try again before it allows me to save file. it will also do this
routine on Opening files, very annoying and time consuming - can take five
minutes to save one file!

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Thom,

If you have disconnected or timed out mapped drives Windows is looking to light them up to provide them in response to Word's
request to show the content of the 'Look In' tree.

Posted this yesterday but don't see it.
Every time I do a save, or save as, Word2007 goes into an "Intializing
Folders" routine that takes forever, starts in my docs (which is my start
folder location) then with every drive/folder change it examines the folder &
drive and takes even more time. Sometimes I have to cancel the first attempt
and then try again before it allows me to save file. it will also do this
routine on Opening files, very annoying and time consuming - can take five
minutes to save one file! >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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