In a cell I used a formula like =INDIRECT("R[-1]C",FALSE).
This works fine on an English version of Excel, but if you open the workbook
on a system where the language is set to French for instance, the formula
returns a #REF! error.
In French, the formula should be =INDIRECT("L[-1]C",FALSE), (i.e. L for
Ligne and C for Colonne).
On a Dutch system, Excel translates the *function* to
=INDIREKT("R[-1]C",FALSE) but the #REF! error remains because it should be
=INDIREKT("R[-1]K",FALSE) (i.e. R for Rij and K for Kolom).
On a Germans system or a Spanish system or ...(I can go on like that...),
the problem is similar.
Can anyone provide me with a reliable way to determine how the words "Row"
and "Column" are abbreviated on the current system where Excel is running so
I can use these characters in the INDIRECT function?
I searched this newsgroup and I found a zillion messages for the R1C1
reference style problem, but no one seems to have encountered this problem
(or maybe they found the solution themselves
Any help appreciated.
In a cell I used a formula like =INDIRECT("R[-1]C",FALSE).
This works fine on an English version of Excel, but if you open the workbook
on a system where the language is set to French for instance, the formula
returns a #REF! error.
In French, the formula should be =INDIRECT("L[-1]C",FALSE), (i.e. L for
Ligne and C for Colonne).
On a Dutch system, Excel translates the *function* to
=INDIREKT("R[-1]C",FALSE) but the #REF! error remains because it should be
=INDIREKT("R[-1]K",FALSE) (i.e. R for Rij and K for Kolom).
On a Germans system or a Spanish system or ...(I can go on like that...),
the problem is similar.
Can anyone provide me with a reliable way to determine how the words "Row"
and "Column" are abbreviated on the current system where Excel is running so
I can use these characters in the INDIRECT function?
I searched this newsgroup and I found a zillion messages for the R1C1
reference style problem, but no one seems to have encountered this problem
(or maybe they found the solution themselves
Any help appreciated.