intrusion prevention



I have been getting e-mail regularly from the weatherbug web site and from
other even more unsavory sites that I would permanently like to block.
Problem is when I go to the create a rule option to control these unwanted
intrusions it doesn't seem to work. I fill out all the details under the
advanced optons such as does this have sexually expicit content or is my name
in the to box or if the name of the site contains these words, etc. I think
you get the picture. Anyway I answer all the queries and then close out the
window fully expecting not to hear from these web sites again only to open my
outlook and find these sites in my junk email. I thought the permanently
delete option meant just that. What am I doing wrong? Also I have a little
program that can obtain the ip of these web sites and I feed it into my
Norton restricted ips but that doesn't seem to work either. Anybody got any
ideas about how to handle this situation with either Norton or through
Outlook itself. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

What version of Outlook? Do you have all the latest Office updates installed?

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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