Hi CJoyce,
I am getting exactly the same error on column 4 for the same type of
query. I didn't see anything further on this so, I'm posting my sql in hopes
that you will be able to tell me what is wrong.
Well, I see no obvious problem with the query and the fact that msquery does
show results proves that. One thing to try though is to replace all single
quotes with the apropriate square brackets:
SELECT [Interest_Other Income Link].masked_glnum, [Interest_Other Income
Link].RTrim, [Interest_Other Income Link].gldes, [Interest_Other Income
Link].[PYActuals], [Interest_Other Income Link].JanCY, [Interest_Other Income
Link].FebCY, [Interest_Other Income Link].MarCY, [Interest_Other Income
Link].AprCY, [Interest_Other Income Link].MayCY, [Interest_Other Income
Link].JunCY, [Interest_Other Income Link].JulCY, [Interest_Other Income
Link].AugCY, [Interest_Other Income Link].SepCY, [Interest_Other Income
Link].OctCY, [Interest_Other Income Link].NovCY, [Interest_Other Income
Link].DecCY, [Interest_Other Income Link].[CY Budget]
FROM [Interest_Other Income Link] [Interest_Other Income Link]
Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
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Professional Office Developer Association