Invalid define names


Jon Peltier

You can use letters, numerals, a few punctuation marks (. and _), but
nothing that looks like an operator (+ - * /). It must begin with a letter
(or maybe an underscore), and it must not be confused with a cell address,
like A1, B2, etc.

- Jon

David Biddulph

An additional confusion is that you can use the single letters A, B, D, E,
F, ..., P, Q, S, T, U, ..., Z as names, but you can't use C or R.. The
create names facility will change these to C_ and R_.
This is presumably because of potential confusion with Columm and Row


I can use 2 letters, underscore and 4-6 numbers exa. ac_1148, qm_1148, pm_1147.
Should the letters be in caps or is it just a preference?



Far less known RC is also and illegal range name.

In 2003 A1-IV65536 are illegal because they are cell addresses, in 2007 this
is A1-XFD1048576 because of the larger spreadsheet.

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