Simon Murphy
This message is probably down to invalid references in
your charts rather than in cells, at least thats where
I've seen it most. The charts recalc along with the rest
of the wb, thats what fires up the message
newsgroup can help, since Microsoft charges its customers
for calls and emails to help them debug their software. I
keep getting the following error message:
or cell reference are correct, and try again.â?
have any links to external worksheets. The most recent
incarnation of this annoying message appeared while I was
inserting a row into a spreadsheet between two completely
blank rows. There are a number of graphs and tables on
this worksheet, but none refer to cells within the range
of rows between which I was inserting. Excel lets me
insert the row and save the worksheet, but this message
appears repeatedly for no apparent reason and really slows
me down. Any ideas on how I can get rid of this annoying
your charts rather than in cells, at least thats where
I've seen it most. The charts recalc along with the rest
of the wb, thats what fires up the message
Excel 2002 (for Windows XP) and hope that someone in this-----Original Message-----
I have discovered what appears to be my third bug in
newsgroup can help, since Microsoft charges its customers
for calls and emails to help them debug their software. I
keep getting the following error message:
worksheet. Verify that the path, workbook, and range name"Your formula contains an invalid external reference to a
or cell reference are correct, and try again.â?
while I am working on various spreadsheets that do notThis message appears at various inconvenient moments
have any links to external worksheets. The most recent
incarnation of this annoying message appeared while I was
inserting a row into a spreadsheet between two completely
blank rows. There are a number of graphs and tables on
this worksheet, but none refer to cells within the range
of rows between which I was inserting. Excel lets me
insert the row and save the worksheet, but this message
appears repeatedly for no apparent reason and really slows
me down. Any ideas on how I can get rid of this annoying