Invalid page fault



In attempting to open Word I get a Winword 'Illegal
operation display - details revealWINWORD caused an
invalid page fault in module WINWORD.EXE at 0167:303e4fbd.
and follows upwith Register details.
I have been through all assistance lines to no avail.Help!!


-----Original Message-----
In attempting to open Word I get a Winword 'Illegal
operation display - details revealWINWORD caused an
invalid page fault in module WINWORD.EXE at 0167:303e4fbd.
and follows upwith Register details.
I have been through all assistance lines to no avail.Help!!
I have same problem, except instead of "at 0167:..." mine
reads "at 17f:...." I've checked MS Knowledge Base
Articles, but they are much too technical for me. If you
get an answer that corrects the problem, please e-mail me
at (e-mail address removed). I'll do the same for you. Thanks.

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