I have a query that is a cross tab and is based on a form drop down box.
This works fine from the frop down box but then I added the "(All)" option
using a union select in the drop down box and now the query says invalid
bracketing. I have gone into the SQL view and played around with this but
cant get it to work. Here is the SQL:
PARAMETERS [IIf([Forms]![Main
Menu]![mtord]='(All)',[text1]![mtord],[Forms]![Main Menu]![mtord])] Value,
[Forms]![Main Menu]![salary] Value;
TRANSFORM Sum(text1!mtincome)/Sum(text1!ncust) AS Expr1
SELECT text1.mtord, text1.salary, "mtincome" AS Category
FROM text1
WHERE (((text1.mtord)=IIf([Forms]![Main
Menu]![mtord]='(All)',[text1]![mtord],[Forms]![Main Menu]![mtord])) AND
((text1.salary)=[Forms]![Main Menu]![salary]))
GROUP BY text1.mtord, text1.salary
PIVOT text1.deccont;
Can anyone help me please?
Thanks in advance,
I have a query that is a cross tab and is based on a form drop down box.
This works fine from the frop down box but then I added the "(All)" option
using a union select in the drop down box and now the query says invalid
bracketing. I have gone into the SQL view and played around with this but
cant get it to work. Here is the SQL:
PARAMETERS [IIf([Forms]![Main
Menu]![mtord]='(All)',[text1]![mtord],[Forms]![Main Menu]![mtord])] Value,
[Forms]![Main Menu]![salary] Value;
TRANSFORM Sum(text1!mtincome)/Sum(text1!ncust) AS Expr1
SELECT text1.mtord, text1.salary, "mtincome" AS Category
FROM text1
WHERE (((text1.mtord)=IIf([Forms]![Main
Menu]![mtord]='(All)',[text1]![mtord],[Forms]![Main Menu]![mtord])) AND
((text1.salary)=[Forms]![Main Menu]![salary]))
GROUP BY text1.mtord, text1.salary
PIVOT text1.deccont;
Can anyone help me please?
Thanks in advance,