Invalid procedure error using innerHTML


Charley Kyd

I just came across a FrontPage error and a solution that might help others.

While looping through every page on my site, I occasionally got an "Invalid
procedure call or argument" error for the last line in the code fragment

Sub Foo(pwCur As FrontPage.PageWindow)
Dim objRange As IHTMLTxtRange, sText As String

Set objRange = pwCur.Document.body.createTextRange
sText = objRange.htmlText
pwCur.Document.body.innerHTML = sText

I knew that the code syntax is correct, because it worked for 95% of the

It turns out that the pages that generated the error had syntax problems
with their HTML. Several pages had an extra </a> tag, and others had an
extra </td> tag.

So if you experience this error, check your html syntax.


Charley Kyd

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