invalid reference to the property Form/Report. 2455


Peter Shute

This is a reply to message[email protected]#link1
which was posted here in October 2003. I'm replying because I've
found another possible answer to the problem, and I'd like it to be in
the Google Groups archive.

The following expression has worked fine for two years in Access 2000

Forms!frmevaluation!frmCube1.Controls(Forms!frmevaluation!OldRiskFactor) =
The value of Forms!frmevaluation!OldRiskFactor is similar to "C3P2" which is
a field name on frmCube1 which shows a 5x5 cube with 25 fields.

Now it suddenly gives me this error:

You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property
Form/Report. 2455

The form hasn't changed in months, I haven't changed any references or
upgraded Office 2000, or done any patches recently, only Windows 2000
security patches which shouldn't have any bearing on this. Microsoft's site
suggests it is a "dirty" property problem, but I don't think it is; it has
worked forever. The help files don't help either.

I agree that if nothing's been changed then it should still work.
We've had similar problems, both caused by the database file being
held open. Once it was because someone used the DOS copy command to
copy it over a slow VPN, and it was held open for an hour. It came
good as soon as the copy process was stopped. Twice the problem has
been because a backup on a server ran out of tape while backing up the
database. It came good when either another tape was fed to the drive,
or the backup aborted.

One one occasion we don't know what had the file open. We ended up
copying it, deleting the original, replacing it with the copy. Moving
the file to another directory and back didn't unlock it.

Rebooting the server would probably have solved the problem in all
these cases.

The symptom for less privileged database users was that the forms were
coming up blank.

Peter Shute

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