Invalid Web Query errors.



I am using the External Web Query to retrieve data from several financial
web sites. MSN Money and Yahoo are the most common sites visited.

When using "Refresh All" from the External Data Toolbar, Excel frequently
returns an “Invalid Web Query†error. When the query is edited, many times
there seems to be a disconnect from where the data was originally requested.
The query returns to the correct web page but there is no check next to the
data originally requested or the check has moved to another data area.

As best as I can tell, this error appears to be common when the query looks
at a Yahoo Finance page. I do not seem to have the same issues with MSN
Money’s web page(s)

Any thoughts or insights would be greatly appreciated.



I get the same problem. I suspect Yahoo returns some data that
confuses the web query. I was successful rebuilding the queries in
some instances and the problem went away.


With investigation, it seems that Yahoo's info is "dynamically scripted"
which can cause problems. I/we are successful when we "Edit" the Query when
it fails. The best work around is to find static information. Yahoo's is

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