I have a custom toobar that I create calling getcustomUI in connect module.
In the xml that I create on the fly i have a dropDown box. I load dropDown
dynamically so i provided getItemCount getItemId, getItemLabel callbacks.
Ocassionally I have to refresh dropDown based on the user selection in
dropDown and I do that by calling ribbon.invalidateControl. In the case that
I have multiple email Inspectors open I am able to get the correct inspector
and I have a global variable that reference ribbon object. My problem is when
I call ribbon.invalidatecontrol from my inspector wrapper class, it
invalidates all the dropdown in all open inspectors. Any ideas how to
invalidate control only in specific inspector?
In the xml that I create on the fly i have a dropDown box. I load dropDown
dynamically so i provided getItemCount getItemId, getItemLabel callbacks.
Ocassionally I have to refresh dropDown based on the user selection in
dropDown and I do that by calling ribbon.invalidateControl. In the case that
I have multiple email Inspectors open I am able to get the correct inspector
and I have a global variable that reference ribbon object. My problem is when
I call ribbon.invalidatecontrol from my inspector wrapper class, it
invalidates all the dropdown in all open inspectors. Any ideas how to
invalidate control only in specific inspector?