Inventory Report

  • Thread starter Touche'' Techie
  • Start date

Touche'' Techie

I have been fighting with various methods of reporting an inventory count.
One method I can't seem to figure out is how it is done in the Microsoft
The Product Summary report refers to Number in Stock. I cannot find any code
creating this data or a table item. I need to be able to also specify
inventory as of a certain date. Is this doable? I tried allenbrownes Quantity
On Hand method and was not able to get it to work on my DB.
I think DSum should work except for the date selection part.

I am on the beginner side of things so please spell things out clearly.
Basic DB info:
I have one table with: Product ID #, products listed, description, cost,
retail.... (over 1700 products)
I have another table with inventory transactions: Product ID #, Date and
Units in transaction. (approx. 10K transactions/year)
I do have a form with subform (as in MS template example) that properly
reports individual product Units on Hand.

Idealy I would also, once I have inventory, like to be able to report on
cost of inventory and retail value of inventory...

Thanks for any help.

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