Actually, I may as well just add the shapesheet part for anyone else who's
Basically, you need to change the behaviour in the document's masters, so:
1) If you can't see the 'Document Stencil' already click File/Shapes/Show
Document Stencil
2) Double click the Executive master shape in the stencil to open it in the
editing window.
3) Select the shape and click Window/Show ShapeSheet
4) In the shapesheet, scroll down to the User section ("User-defined cells")
and find the row named "User.PictureID"
5) This row contains a 'Value' column and a 'Prompt' column
6) Copy and paste the following formula into the Prompt cell:
7) Note that the resulting formula should NOT be enclosed by double quotes
8) Close the master editing window and click Yes to the "Update 'Executive'
and all of its instances?"
9) Repeat steps 2-8 for the Manager, Position, Consultant, Vacancy and
Assistant masters.
The above will work for a specific document. If you want to create the same
behaviour in all subsequent Org Charts then you can run through same process
by opening and editing the Organization Chart Shapes stencil directly. In
all cases, if you at all new to the shapesheet it would be a good idea to
try editting a copy of your document first!
Hope that helps.
Best regards
John Goldsmith